Upcoming contact information & links policy change. Did you revise your eBay shop listings?

eBay, the eCommerce giant has announced another change in its policy twice in a row in 2017.

Revise your eBay store listings as per New eBay Policy

The first one was removing active content from your eBay shop product listings. And the second one, the upcoming change is about removing contact information & links directing buyers to other websites. It will be effective from September 2017.

This might affect your listings.

An overview about what the proposed change is all about.

Removing contact information

From September 2017, sellers will no longer be allowed to share their contact information in item descriptions, images, eBay listings or eBay store. Seller’s contact details will still be visible & accessible in seller information section & seller profile. eBay has advised to update your active listings by removing contact details.

Changes in links policy

eBay has also proposed changes in their links policy. Links directing buyers to a site other than eBay will not be permitted. Only links from approved domains will be allowed.

Moreover links related to following topics are excluded:

  • Delivery services info links
  • Product video links
  • Product reviews links
  • Product demo or installation links
  • Other legal info links

Now, what can be done?

You need to revise all active listings, shop templates, product images, banners, product descriptions by removing your contact details from it. Also see that there are no links that directs buyers to another websites or pages.

Updating thousands of listing will take time. But our expert team can revise your product listings in few days. Additionally we will help you with removing active contents if any.