10 Easy Steps to Get Started on eBay!

Today eBay is world’s biggest marketplace & have helped many individuals to make a full time earning out of selling on it. If you have not started yet on eBay then this is the chance for you to do the same.

Read this blog & follow 10 simple steps of setting up an eBay store & selling online. What you need is a computer with an internet connection. That’s it. You can just start selling anything around you to gain some experience.

Just follow these simple steps.

Step 1
Set up an eBay & PayPal account. Both of them are equally necessary. If you already have one then that’s simply great.

Step 2
In the initial stage sell products that has low cost of selling, & shipping. This way you will get familiar with selling online.

Step 3
Order postage scale because it is helps you to calculate postage expenses accurately. Just enter the weight of the package & you will get the exact shipping charge. In this way you can formulate the cost of your products.

10 Easy Steps To Get Started On EBay

Step 4
Research about what is being sold most on eBay & at what price. Refer old listings on eBay.

Step 5
Download and use eBay mobile app it is easy & free. you can operate your online business from anywhere anytime.

Step 6
Order packing materials that are good enough to handle & deliver products safely. It is important to deliver products in one piece to the buyer.

Step 7
Ship your items on time that are ordered by buyers. Timings are very crucial they will give you good ratings from buyer.

Step 8
Do not rent a big warehouse for storage. A home garage, backyard or even a small space in the beginning will do as you have limited product listings in your store. Stay focused on cost.

Step 9
If you don’t want to order a huge stock of products keeping budget in control, then your home is the ideal place to list used or rarely used products on your store.

Step 10
Last but not the least; decorate your store with a low cost custom eBay storefront design. eBay gives you default white design that is less attractive.

A beautiful eBay store design does a lot for you as a seller. These designs are easy to install, attractive & intelligent enough to generate leads & convert them into buyers.

Get FREE quote for any of our custom eBay store design Services.

We deal in a wide variety of innovative online marketing & designing solutions. Contact us or drop your contact details to get interesting info about our services.